Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bra-Jackets and Dark Horse

You've seen those free postcard stands at Tower Records and other stores. It's a rack with hip looking postcards that are actually ads for one thing or another. And you've seen the popular brown paper book covers common at Japanese bookstores, I am sure. Customers get them so they can read on the train without every knowing if they are trying to crack The Da Vinci Code or exploring modern literature a little more lascivious. So from the "Why Didn't I Think of That" file come the bra-jacket! Short for brand-jacket, the bra-jacket combines free advertising with popular book jacket covers, and found itself a huge hit.

Apparantly some jackets are more popular than others, and the hip ones go glying off the free shelves.

Here is the Japanese link where you can see the available models. Is it wrong to want this?
Anything that keeps people reading is good enough to me.

I took a visit down to Dark Horse yesterday afternoon to pick up some new books and to finally meet a couple people who have been so good to the PDI bookstore. We are working on an article on Dark Horse for our newsletter, and it will be reprinted here, so stay tuned, and in the meantime - pick up a comic!


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