Scary Book Volume 1: Reflections

Kazuo Umezo, the “Stephen King” of Japanese manga has a unique and engaging style unlike the “traditional modern” look we associate with Japanese manga and anime. These books are rereleases from original classic Japanese horror books, now for the first time in English. The cherub-cheeked characters reminded me of children from old Chinese public health posters. They seem to hark from a more innocent time, which makes the sinister images that much more unsettling. (It turns out these stories were originally published in 2003.) Umezu’s drawing style is unique, and like some traditional Japanese dolls, it is disarming in its seemingly innocent surface.

Scary Book Volume I contains two complete stories, but the title story, "Reflections” takes up over 3/4 of the whole book. “Reflections” tells the tale of Emi, a doll-faced beauty of a young girl who grows up in a house known as the “Mirror Mansion”, named for its giant mirror, a mirror Emi has been gazing into for years. But as time goes on Emi starts getting the paranoid feeling that she is being watched. One night Emi searches for the source of the paranoia, and finds it staring back at her in the reflection in the mirror. And her reflection is not happy with her…
Emi’s reflection has built up resentment for her vanity, and a crack in the mirror seems to allow the reflection to escape from the mirror, and into the real world. Her reflection takes over Emi’s life, and is always one step ahead of Emi while she attempts to replace the real girl, leaving Emi without a home, friends, or family.
It is at this time we are introduced to Emi’s love-stricken classmate, Wakatano, and his younger sister, Mitsuko. The brother and sister are constantly bickering for Emi’s attention, and they seem to be the only people that acknowledge the real Emi’s existence. Their competitive nature escalates to violent levels as they try to help and distract Emi. Wakatano and Mitsuko are a kind of comic relief, and their gestures and actions recall the humorous violence of comics and cartoons of previous generations. This brother and sister are probably the most bizarre pair of characters seen in comics, and their introduction in this story gives the reader an insight to Umezu’s way-out way of thinking.
The creepiness in “Reflections” comes from extreme contrasts of beautiful versus ugly, and vanity versus humility, in a world that is more than a bit off-center. Its frantic nature keeps the reader’s blood pumping and the story’s pages turning.
“Demon of Vengeance” is also a story of conflict, a good versus evil tale. However, the story is a more of a fast-paced downward spiral. Just when you think things can’t get worse for our hero, Muso Kondo, another gate to Hell seems to open up and a whole new world of pain it introduced.
Like some of the other Dark Horse manga we have looked at (ex. Lone Wolf and Cub and Samurai Executioner), “Demon of Vengeance” is a revenge tale set in the days of the samurai. A vassal of shogun Uda is assigned to protect the shogun’s son, Mitsutada, during a raid on Uda Castle. Muso's son, Shogo, accompanies him on the mission. Food is scarce and tempers short as the spoiled Mitsutada harasses the young, but stoic, Shogo (who might remind the reader of another quiet but steel-eyed youngster, Daigoro from Lone Wolf and Cub). Muso tries to be patient with Mitsutada, but a father can watch only so much abuse of his son, and one day he snaps...
This is actually a tale of double revenge, as the shogun dedicates his life to making Muso’s and Shogo's lives a living hell, after what happened to his son. In turn, Muso does everything he can to destroy the shogun and free his son. Powerful Uda makes things harder and harder for Muso in some rather gruesome scenes, and although usually in samurai stories good defeats evil, we must remember this isn’t a samurai story, it’s a horror story, and the surprising ending is sure to shock and satisfy.
If Volume I is any indication of the rest of the Scary Books, then this will certainly be an exciting series.

I enjoyed Volume 2 "Insects" about a young girl who's terrified by butterflies.
I'd love to know more about the contemporary reaction to these stories. The style looks a little dated, and the uniformly hysterical drama is almost amusing.
I'd also like to know who read these manga - Umezu's stories seem to usually revolve around children, yet the horror and violence could only have been suitable for adults.
I guess these would have been the equivalent of EC Comics for Japan. Horror stories you didn't let your parents know about.
I'm also reading Umezu's Drifting Classroom saga, that's just being translated into English, and tracking down the various movie adaptions of his work.
Those are great points. I think it is clear that the style is dated, as they were originally published (in a different form) in the 70s. They were republished more recently in Japan, and then Dark Horse picked them up for the English versions. I believe there are 14 volumes in the Scary Book series in Japan, but I do not know how many Dark Horse plans to publish.
I agree with your question about the intended audience. I do think the target in Japan is probably younger than it is in the English-speaking world, especially when they were first released. I really douby that Umezu had any thoughts about target audience...
I have heard good things about Drifting Classroom, and hope to hear how you liked it.
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